What Is Mauve? The Final Saga
What is mauve? Who really knows, but here we go again! 😋 ‘What is Mauve? The Final Saga’ is our last go at answering that baffling conundrum!
The 7-piece collection features mauve (or not mauve) polishes in a variety of shades and finishes!
Snag the whole collection for a discounted rate!
Full Retail: $81
Discounted Set: $75
The collection includes...
Magical Mauve
Mermaid in Mauve
On The Mauve
Mauve Meadows
Mauvin’ & Shakin’
Must Be Mauve
Midnight Mauve
Bottles are 13.2ml and contain 2 large steel mixing balls.
All polishes are 5-Free and as always, cruelty-free.
Swatches/Photos by @de_briz @xo.krista @yyulia_m
Note: The color of the swatches may vary depending on the lighting used by the swatcher such as indoor vs. outdoor, etc.
Discounts cannot be applied to already discounted sets.